
Tuesday, 1 April 2014

Peace is the Superman

We see how powerful the word Peace is that only taking its name could bring infinite number of conflict from hither and thither. It is quite astounding to note that being 'Peace', it still could bring so much of the thunder? This is one thing which always provoked me. I was quite young, in about 6th grade that my mind had started this battle of peace and conflict with itself and it is quite interesting to know what was it that made it strive so much. It was Extremism that forced me to think. My story of why and how I turned up to this project is not shallow. So, continuing to talk about extremism, yes, it was religious extremism that pushed me here where I am. This war with peace started quite earlier in my mind and it was because of watching innocent people die everyday in my country. I still remember having this strong faith that we could stop Taliban of killing citizens of my country by negotiating because Peace lies in talking. It is important to note here that I didn't see any politician saying that we want talks and that is why this thought rooted in me but it was the result of continuous bloodshed. Since then, I always wanted to talk. I have always believed in Peace because I knew that the terrorism that just started was because of merely the mindset. Those people attacked and committed suicide because of mindset which grew so strong that it is still thriving. And this particular reason that if war can become this strong mindset then we have to make peace our mindset to counter-attack.

The idea was not complicated. It was that if they could kill, we could love. Peace can only pop in if we started loving each other because the complexity lies in just one idea that everybody can talk about bringing peace in the world but nobody can establish peace within themselves and to me, we instantly bring peace to this world when we intend to bring it within ourselves. It is this simple. However, we are a mess. Our thoughts are a mess, our intentions are mess and so are our deeds. There is no peace therefore. It is quite obvious to consider then that we are disabled to bring peace when everything is messy. We are disabled to dialogue about Peace. So, when I was struggling with this mess within myself I decided to take a step ahead. Maintain and talk. The simple idea of bringing peace within borders generated goosebumps and I couldn't help myself. Pakistan and India, even after 65 years of their separation can't forget their differences. Differences? This particular reason induced opposite analysis and that was that this project was designed in such a way to appreciate the similarities in people,culture and history. It was to identify those parts of our war which highlight peace and it was simply to meet our identicals from other Border. Here, it is substantial to regard that even twins from same mother are different in nature then how can two countries be akin in nature but victory is when both of them love and live together in harmony and not much but it is about the same regarding two neighboring countries as well. This is why I am in this Project with my Indian Partner Nidhi Shendurnikar which is purely because only Peace is the Superman.
So, stay tuned to peace. 

1 comment:

  1. Well written girl. Looking forward to the journey with you. 😊
